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中英對照讀新聞》Biden royally baffles audience with ’God save the queen, man’(拜登一句「天佑女王,老兄」讓觀眾一頭霧水)

2023/08/02 05:30



Joe Biden on Friday left Americans scratching their heads with an off-the-cuff remark that was, well, royally unusual for a US president: "God save the queen, man!"


What he meant, which queen he was referring to, and why he threw in what sounded like the traditional patriotic British cry, no one could immediately tell.


Biden had just completed an impassioned speech at the National Safer Communities Summit in Connecticut on getting Congress to toughen gun ownership laws when he made the remark from the stage.


The pool journalist responsible for following the president all day on his travels couldn’t help. He messaged the worldwide group of outlets receiving pool reports: "Several of you have asked me why he might have said that. I have no idea." (AFP)



royally:副詞,非常地、極為地。例句:We’ve just done a royally stupid thing.(我們剛做了一件十足的蠢事。)

off-the-cuff:片語,即興,臨場發揮。例句:He made an off-the-cuff remark about the scandal.(他即興談了對這起醜聞的看法。)

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