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中英對照讀新聞》Alberta woman earns world record for donating blood (亞伯達省女子捐血創下金氏世界紀錄)

2023/04/27 05:30



An 80-year-old Alberta woman who has been regularly donating blood for nearly six decades earned the Guinness World Record for the most whole blood donated (female).


Guinness World Records said Josephine Michaluk began donating blood at age 22 in 1965, and in the years since she has donated a total 203 units of blood. A unit of blood is roughly equivalent to a pint.


Michaluk said her sister talked her into her first donation. "I decided I would join her and that was the beginning."


Michaluk, whose blood type is the in-demand O+, said she likes knowing her donations are helping others.


"I feel like I have it in me to give," she said. "I can share it to people that need it."(UPI)



talk someone into:動詞片語,說服某人去做。例句:Jenny talked her boyfriend into buying her a diamond ring.(珍妮說服男朋友買鑽戒給她。)

in demand:慣用片語,受歡迎的,非常需要的。例句:Tikckets for the singer’s concert are always in gread demand.(這位歌手的演唱會門票總是人人搶。)

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