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中英對照讀新聞》Giant meatball of extinct mammoth unveiled in The Netherlands 由滅絕的猛瑪象做成的巨大肉丸在荷蘭展出

2023/04/11 05:30



A giant meatball made from flesh cultivated using the DNA of an extinct mammoth was unveiled at Nemo, a science museum in the Netherlands.


The meatball was created by Australian cultured meat company Vow which said it wanted to get people talking about cultured meat, calling it a more sustainable alternative for real meat.


The meatball was made of sheep cells inserted with a singular mammoth gene called myoglobin. "When it comes to meat, myoglobin is responsible for the aroma, the colour and the taste", James Ryall, Vow’s Chief Scientific Officer explained.


The meatball, which has the aroma of crocodile meat, is currently not for consumption.



cultured meat:培植肉、人造肉。例句:Cultured meat is real meat grown directly from animal cells.(人造肉是直接從動物細胞長出的真肉。)

when it comes to sth:談到、論到....時。例句:The school has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to bullying.(當談到霸凌時,學校採取零容忍政策。)

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