中英對照讀新聞》He was reporting on drought in Kenya. A young elephant stole the show 他正在報導肯亞乾旱 一頭幼象搶鏡大出鋒頭
Kenyan TV reporter Alvin Kaunda tried so hard to keep a straight face on the job, but a curious baby elephant got the best of him.
Kaunda was in the middle of detailing the effects of human actions on the natural world when the tip of a brown trunk popped into view just behind his left ear.
The trunk, belonging to one of the young residents of an elephant orphanage in Nairobi where Kaunda had gone to report a story on the devastating drought affecting Kenya and its wildlife, gently draped over the journalist’s shoulder before twisting upward to investigate his ear, exploring the side of his head.
steal the show:慣用語,搶鋒頭。例句:He was doing an online interview for a TV channel but the cat playing around him the camera stole the show.(他正在接受電視頻道的線上訪問,但在他身畔玩耍的貓搶盡鋒頭。)
get the best of someone:慣用語,戰勝某人、擊敗某人。例句:His fear got the better of him and he ran away.(他受不恐懼而逃跑了。)
drape over:片語,把…披、搭、蒙在…上。
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