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中英對照讀新聞》Mexico declares Otomi site first ancient monument in a decade墨西哥宣布10年來第一個原住民奧托米古代遺跡

2022/12/25 05:30



An ancient Mexican site more than 1,000 years old has been declared the country’s first archaeological zone in a decade.


Cañada de la Virgen, the modern name of an ancient Otomi ceremonial center, is located near the picturesque mountain town and tourist destination of San Miguel de Allende.


The pre-Hispanic site features a large stone temple complex and other structures, many aligned with astronomical bodies, and is believed to have reached its peak around 600-900 AD, contemporaneous with dozens of major Maya cites.


INAH stressed that the site’s designation as a protected archeological monument is a first under the government of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.


INAH added that past archaeological digs at Cañada de la Virgen have revealed artifacts from both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, suggesting it was located along a major trading route.



archaeological:形容詞,考古學的。例句:It’s the most remarkable archaeological site in Italy.(這是義大利最著名的考古遺址。)

artifact:名詞,人工製品、工藝品、文物。例句:The artifact I found in my backyard is an Indian arrowhead.(在我家後院發現的手工藝品是一個印地安人的箭頭。)

contemporaneous:形容詞,同時期的。例句:The two wars were contemporaneous.(這2次戰爭發生在同個時期。)

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