中英對照讀新聞》Spain to make some train journeys free from September 西班牙將從9月開始免費提供一些火車旅行
Public transport prices on state-owned service across Spain have already been slashed in half in response to rapidly rising energy and inflation rates. Now the government has announced further 100% discounts.
As of September, passengers will be able to travel across various trains operated by public train network Renfe for absolutely nothing.
Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has announced that multi-journey tickets for trains operated by the network’s public services Cercanías, Rodalies and Media Distance (equivalent to local and medium-distance journeys) are to be free of charge from September 1 up until the end of the year.
西班牙總理桑切斯宣布,從9月1日到今年年底,西班牙國家鐵路公司將免費提供Cercanías、Rodalies和Media Distance營運的火車聯程車票(相當於本地與中距離旅程)。
The measure excludes single-journey tickets, or long-distance travels, according to public broadcaster TVE. Multi-journey tickets include a minimum of 10 return trips.
slash:動詞,猛砍;鞭打;大幅度裁減或削減。例句:The government promises to slash taxes.(政府承諾大幅減稅。)
equivalent:名詞,相等物。例句:The French word has no equivalent in English。(這個法文字在英文中沒有相對應的字。)
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