中英對照讀新聞》Restaurant worker arrested after grease thrown on customer 餐廳員工對顧客潑油後被捕
An Alabama fast-food worker who allegedly threw hot grease on a customer during a dispute over service in the drive-thru line, causing severe burns, was charged with assault, police said.
The 50-year-old woman was charged Monday following a confrontation that occurred Saturday afternoon at an Arby’s restaurant in suburban Birmingham.
Authorities did not provide details on what prompted the dispute, but police said it did not appear the two women knew each other.
The victim, who suffered second-degree burns over a large part of her body and was hospitalized, filed a civil lawsuit seeking an unspecified amount of money from the worker, Arby’s and Alabama-based companies that operate the restaurant, court documents show.
Arby’s said it had fired the employee and called her actions “reprehensible.”
“Our heart goes out to the guest, and we are working to help support her recovery,” said a statement from the company. (AP)
prompt:形容詞,指敏捷的、及時的、付款即時的;副詞,指準時的。動詞,指促使、激勵、慫恿。例句:We started at 10 o’clock prompt.(我們在10點整準時開始。)
reprehensible:形容詞,指應受指責的、不道德的。例句:The actions depicted in that video are reprehensible.(我們譴責這支影片中論及的行為。)
go out to sb:片語動詞,指感情給予或傾心於某人。例句:Our sympathies go out to relatives of the victims.(我們同情受害者家屬。)
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