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中英對照讀新聞》London’s smallest microflat sells for 80% above asking price 倫敦最小的微型公寓以高於開價8成的價格售出

2022/03/23 05:30



A 7-square-metre microflat, cramming in a bed, toilet, shower, sink and a microwave tucked under the pillow, has sold for 80% above its minimum listing price at £90,000.


The microflat, located in a Victorian conversion in Lower Clapton, east London, is believed to be the capital’s smallest-ever property, marking a turn towards tiny homes driven by the UK’s housing crisis of soaring rent and property prices.


The apartment had a minimum price at auction of £50,000, but sold at 80% higher at £90,000.


It was bought for £103,500 in May 2017. But the owner has already recouped their investment by receiving £800 a month in rent.



asking price:名詞,賣方報價。例句:We will not accept offers 10% below our asking price.(我們將不接受低於賣方報價10%的出價。)

cram:動詞,塞滿、擠入;(考試前)大量死背硬記應付考試。例句:I’m cramming for the final exam.(我正在為期末考臨時抱佛腳。)

recoup:動詞,收回(成本或損失)。例句:He tried to recoup his losses in the final game but fail.(他試圖在最後一局贏回輸掉的錢,但是失敗。)

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