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《中英對照讀新聞》South Korea’s coffee market to reach W6.8tr-韓咖啡市場達6.8兆韓元

2019/08/04 05:30

圖為南韓咖啡連鎖店「TERAROSA咖啡」(TERAROSA COFFEE)位於該國江原道江陵市的一間分店內,一名女店員和一名端著托盤的顧客,托盤上放著手沖咖啡。(彭博檔案照)


The size of the South Korean coffee market will reach 6.8 trillion won by the end of this year, according to a report released by the Hyundai Research Institute.


Koreans, aged over 20, drank a total of 353 cups of coffee per person on average last year, the report said. The average per capita coffee consumption in the world was 132 cups in the same year, which is one-third of domestic consumption.


Shinhan Card said Thursday it has started running "Shinhan Face Pay," a facial recognition-based payment system. Its employees are able to make payments with the system at the cafeteria, coffee shop and CU convenience store inside the company’s headquarters building.



recognition:名詞,識別、認出(識)、承認、認可。例句:When he returned to his home town, he found it had changed beyond all recognition.(當他回到家鄉時,發現一切已面目全非。)

make payment:片語,支付、付款。例句:We will make payment by instalments.(我們將分期付款。)

per capita:形容詞、副詞,人均的(地)、按人計算的(地)。例句:The per capita income in that country is very low.(那國的每人平均收入很低。)

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