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《中英對照讀新聞》German town has Elvis Presley traffic lights 德國小鎮出現「貓王」紅綠燈

2018/12/11 06:00



Elvis Presley is ready to help pedestrians rock ’n’ roll across the street in the western German town of Friedberg.


Three traffic lights featuring the "King’s" image have been placed around the town’s Elvis Presley Square to commemorate the singer, Deutsche Welle reported. "The King" was stationed in the town while serving in the US Army, between 1958 and 1960.


The red light shows an image of the singer striking a pose at a microphone and the green depicts his trademarked hip swivel dance. "Elvis holds a special place here and that’s why he is honored and appreciated," a local resident said.


Local politician Marion Götz (SPD) told the Wetterauer Zeitung newspaper that the idea was to create an eye-catching feature for visitors to the town. The initiative cost around €900 ($1,020).



strike a pose:動詞片語,擺姿勢。例句:He struck a triumphant pose.(他擺出勝利的姿勢。)

swivel:名詞,旋轉(在舞蹈中意指扭動、迴旋或旋轉等動作)。例句:The first swivel chair was invented by Thomas Jefferson.(首個旋轉椅是湯瑪斯‧傑佛遜發明的。)

eye-catching:形容詞,搶眼的、吸睛的。例句:She needs an eye-catching slogan for her election campaign.(為了選戰,她需要一個引人注目的口號。)

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