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《中英對照讀新聞》Singing road strikes wrong chord with Dutch villagers-歌唱之路引發荷蘭村民們的不平之鳴

2018/04/21 06:00



Take the highway past the Dutch village of Jelsum and the road will play you a tune.


Created by strategically laid "rumble strips" as a way of livening up journeys across the flat landscape, the novelty has worn thin for locals who say the constant droning melody is driving them mad.


The tune is created when car tyres drive over the strips - which are usually deployed at the side of major roads to warn drivers they are straying off course.


If hit at the correct speed - the 60 kph limit - the road will sing out the anthem of the Friesland region - a northern part of the Netherlands that has a distinct language and culture.


But it is loud and the sound travels, and locals say the musical road had created a never-ending cacophony that keeps them awake at night.


The Friesland authority has agreed to remove the rumble strips later this week. (Reuters)



strike a chord:片語動詞,指引發共鳴回響。例句:The movie has really struck a chord with me.(這部電影於我心有戚戚焉。)

liven up:片語動詞,指使活躍、使富有生氣。例句:I want to liven up my room with some plants.(我想用些植物來讓房間變得有元氣。)

wear thin:片語動詞,指消磨、逐漸失去耐心或興趣。例句:His standard excuse for being late is beginning to wear thin.(他遲到時常用的藉口已開始不管用了。)

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