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《中英對照讀新聞》Bus passengers learn yoga during morning commute公車乘客早上通勤時學瑜伽

2007/03/03 06:00


Stressed-out commuters got a surprise as they boarded an Israeli bus:a yoga instructor with a microphone coaching them how to breathe correctly.


The passengers stretched their hands toward the ceiling and bent their heads forward as Miri Harovi, a 21-year yoga teacher, guided them through a set of exercises that can be performed while sitting down.


"I think that because of our history of terror on buses,’’ Harovi said, referring to past suicide attacks that have targeted crowded buses."It’s very important to do yoga to relax and to show everyone that life is stronger than the fear.’’


Harovi said the idea of for a yoga bus came to her in the middle of the night while she was sleeping. She talked to the Tel Aviv bus company and they jumped on the idea.


Most of the passengers on the bus participated, and many said they felt relaxed and more ready for work. The yoga bus has run every Tuesday for three weeks, but Harovi hopes that the program will continue and expand.



stressed-out︰指壓力重重的,out 有徹底、完全的意思,out and out,徹頭徹尾,例句︰She is intelligent out and out. (她聰慧無比。)

coach︰名詞指公車、巴士、教練;動詞有訓練、指導之意。例句︰She coaches people for IELTS examinations. (她指導人準備國際英語測驗。)

jump on︰積極行動,在本文引申為大力支持並立即採行。jump on the bandwagon,趕熱潮。例句︰It seemed that everyone was jumping on the Harry Potter bandwagon several years ago. (幾年前似乎人人都在趕哈利波特熱潮。)

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