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《中英對照讀新聞》Rooney for prime minister? Yes, if you are 13 足球明星魯尼競選首相?沒錯,倘若你十三歲的話

2005/04/16 06:00

◎ 張沛元

If Wayne Rooney ever opts to hang up his soccer boots, there may be a future in politics.


At least that is what a survey of British children suggests.


The next generation of voters feel the Manchester United and England forward would be the best man for the job of Prime Minister, according to this week's Kids General Election survey.


While current leader Tony Blair will not lose sleep over the poll, it will do nothing for his ego to know 15 percent of the nine to 13 years old surveyed by the Cartoon Network opted for Rooney -- nearly double the amount who chose the Labour man.


Even 12 percent of the 1,000 youngsters questioned preferred fictional wizard Harry Potter over the man who has had the keys to Number 10 since 1997 and is widely expected to win a third term in power at the May 5 election.



hang up:高掛,掛斷電話,耽擱。例句:He hung up the phone without saying a word.(他一句話也沒說就掛斷電話。)

forward:名詞,足球前鋒。副詞,向前面地。形容詞,向前的。動詞,轉遞,轉寄信件。例句:Please forward my letters to my new address.(請把我的信轉寄到我的新地址。)

fictional:形容詞,虛構的,小說的。例句:Scarlett O'Hara of "Gone with the Wind" is a very famous fictional character.(「亂世佳人」裡的郝思嘉是非常知名的虛構人物。)


Number 10:在此指Downing Street Number 10,英國倫敦唐寧街十號,即英國首相官邸的地址。

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