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《中英對照讀新聞》Sock horror! Terrifying lizard turns out to be dirty clothing 襪子恐怖事件!嚇人的蜥蜴原來是髒衣服

2017/09/16 06:00



It was seven inches long, two inches wide, pink, stripy and the English family who discovered it hiding under a bed thought it could be a dangerous lizard.


But after the terrified family called an animal welfare charity to apprehend the "creature" at their home in Coventry, central England, it was revealed that it was something far less sinister - a dirty sock.


Animal Collection Officer Vic Hurr, from the RSPCA charity, said she had warily approached the "lizard" after being alerted to its presence last Friday.


"It was protruding from the edge of the bed and it wasn’t moving at all," Hurr said. "As it wasn’t very light, I got out my torch to see better and that’s when I realized it wasn’t a lizard at all."


Hurr said she had left the family with some guidance, and a warning.


"I advised the young girl whose bedroom it was to tidy her room and to take care of her socks, but not before reminding her that another one will turn up soon as they are usually in pairs," she said. (Reuters)



apprehend:動詞,指理解、憂慮、逮捕、拘押。例句:There is nothing to apprehend.(沒什麼好擔心的。)

warily:副詞,指謹慎小心地。例句:She looked warily around.(她警戒地環顧四周。)

protruding:形容詞,指伸出的、凸出的。動詞為protrude,指伸出、凸出。例句:The policeman saw a gun protruding from the robber’s pocket.(警察看到有把槍從那個搶匪的口袋中凸出。)

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