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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Bring engineers for R&D to Taiwan, minister says

2024/06/29 03:00

Minister of Economic Affairs J.W. Kuo attends a news conference in Silicon Valley, California, on Thursday. Photo: CNA


Overseas enterprises setting up artificial intelligence (AI) research-and-development centers in Taiwan should bring the world’s engineers to Taiwan so that it has enough AI talent, Minister of Economic Affairs J.W. Kuo (郭智輝) said in San Francisco yesterday.

Speaking at a forum held by Taiwanese start-ups, Kuo said he hoped to meet with tech companies that have announced plans to invest more in Taiwan and discuss greater collaboration, especially on their long-term plans for recruiting more global talent to work in the nation.

The issue is that the number of engineers in Taiwan is limited and would continue to be in the future, given Taiwan’s low birthrate, he said.

Yet many tech companies have expressed an interest in setting up research-and-development centers in Taiwan, Kuo said.

He also said they should recruit at least 500 engineers from other parts of the world if they need a total of 1,000 in Taiwan.

The minister was in Silicon Valley yesterday after attending the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington earlier this week. He is on his first overseas trip since assuming his position on May 20.

His call for overseas talent came following confirmation that Nvidia Corp and Advanced Micro Devices Inc are to set up their research-and-development centers in Taiwan.

Kuo said one of his missions in Silicon Valley was to meet with CEOs and ensure that Taiwan would have enough AI talent in the future.

That is essential, because while Taiwan has successfully built up its strength in chip manufacturing, it would need to grow further in the AI application field for it to become an “AI island” and keep its competitive edge, Kuo said.

He also said he hoped to encourage young Americans to study in Taiwan and combine the nation’s strengths in manufacturing and the US’ research-and-development capabilities to quickly apply their ideas in the market.

Beyond the AI field, Kuo said he expects Taiwan to face a general shortage of workers in the future, estimating Taiwan would need 400,000 to 500,000 foreign employees in the high-tech manufacturing sector and service sector by 2040.


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