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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Huang to be investigated over uniform controversy

2022/02/20 03:00

Ho Ping-jui, right, and Huang Yu-ting, left, lead the Taiwanese team at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing on Feb. 4. Photo: AP

‘HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE’: A legislator called for legal changes to prohibit athletes from ‘damaging the nation’s honor’ as other officials took turns chiding the speedskater

By Jason Pan / Staff reporter

Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) has requested an investigation to determine if speedskater Huang Yu-ting (黃郁婷) should be reprimanded for wearing China’s uniform during practice for Winter Olympics events in Beijing, Executive Yuan spokesman Lo Ping-cheng (羅秉成) said yesterday.

Lo said that Su described Huang’s action as “highly inappropriate,” and said that the Sports Administration has been asked to investigate, as well as establish an oversight mechanism to regulate the behavior of national team athletes when representing Taiwan abroad.

“The athletes are competing for honors as Taiwan national team members. Their every move and comment is on display on the international stage, and they must act with discretion,” Lo quoted Su as saying.

Presidential Office spokesman Xavier Chang (張惇涵) concurred with the sentiment in a separate statement.

“National team members are pursuing individual honors while representing our nation at major sports events, and they must be prudent in their public statements and actions,” he said, adding that his office supports the Executive Yuan’s decision.

Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin Chun-hsien (林俊憲) yesterday called for an amendment to regulations governing athletes, by adding a clause regarding “actions that damage the nation’s honor” as being grounds for disqualifying an athlete from a national team.

Huang, 33, caused controversy this month when she released a video on social media showing her training in the uniform of China’s national team. Taiwanese Olympic officials chose her as Taiwan’s flag bearer at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, despite calls from the public to remove her from the role.

Chinese state media reported on Feb. 10 that Huang thanked spectators at the Beijing venue “for their warm support and for cheering for me ... like I was competing at home” after she placed 26th in the 500m speedskating event.

Huang also placed 26th in the 1,500m, and on Thursday finished the 1,000m in 24th place out of 30 competitors.

Soon after, she wrote on Facebook that her “haters” and detractors were welcome to leave their comments.

Many Taiwanese responded with messages such as: “You are a disgrace for kowtowing to China and showing no remorse for your stance”; and: “It is a shame to see your arrogance and that you would taunt people in this manner.”

Other people urged Huang to stay in China and join the Chinese national team.

Huang said that she would not attend tonight’s closing ceremony, and would not return to Taiwan with the national team.

Huang and her father, who is her coach, are taking a flight to the US to train for upcoming world championship speedskating events, she said.

Sports officials on Friday said that Lee Wen-yi (李玟儀), Taiwan’s first female Olympic Alpine skier, would carry Taiwan’s flag at the ceremony.


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