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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Girlfriend allegedly cuts off, flushes man’s penis

2021/04/01 03:00

Changhua Christian Hospital deputy director Chou Chih-chung holds a model of a male reproductive organ yesterday at a news conference at the hospital in Changhua County. Photo: Tang Shih-ming, Taipei Times

FIT OF ANGER: The suspect said she flushed the severed penis down the toilet to prevent reattachment surgery, while a doctor said the victim would need counseling

By Jason Pan / Staff reporter

A woman in central Taiwan on Tuesday allegedly cut off her boyfriend’s penis and flushed it down the toilet, police said.

Police yesterday questioned the Vietnamese woman, surnamed Phung (馮), and said she is facing charges of aggravated assault.

The 52-year-old man, surnamed Huang (黃), who lives in Changhua County’s Sihu Township (溪湖鎮), was sleeping on Tuesday night when Phung, 40, allegedly sheared off his penis near the base with a pair of kitchen scissors, police said.

The couple’s neighbors told reporters that Huang and Phung had been living together for 10 months.

Both are divorcees and Phung had obtained Taiwanese citizenship through her previous marriage.

The neighbors said they often heard the couple arguing.

Huang, who operates a Taoist shrine, had other female friends and seemed to be close to some of them, which might have caused jealousy and resentment on Phung’s part, they said.

Phung turned herself in to a local police station after midnight yesterday, police said.

She told officers that she cut off Huang’s penis in a fit of anger and flushed the severed organ down the toilet so that it could not be retrieved for reattachment surgery.

Police officers transferred her to the Changhua District Prosecutors’ Office.

A local firefighter captain who was among the first respondents at the scene said that Huang “could still walk on his own, but he was bleeding profusely. The patient had eaten a bowl of instant chicken noodles with rice wine and fallen asleep... Later he woke up with a feeling of extreme pain and found that his penis had been cut off.”

Huang was rushed in an ambulance to Changhua Christian Hospital.

Hospital deputy director Chou Chih-chung (周志中) said: “Examination showed Huang’s ‘manhood’ was sliced off and still bleeding, so doctors had to perform emergency surgery to stop the bleeding, and repair the urethra for urine release. His scrotum and testicles are still intact.”

Huang “is not in any deadly danger. He was still in pain after recovering from anesthetics, but can drink water and eat normally,” Chou said.

“The main length of the patient’s ‘manhood’ could not be found and could not be reattached. The remaining part is insufficient to engage in sexual intercourse, therefore the best way is to implant an artificial penis,” Chou said. “He will need further reconstructive surgery and also psychological counseling.”

Investigators questioned Phung to find out if she had put a sleeping pill or any other drugs in Huang’s meal.

Huang had been married three times previously and has three daughters from those marriages, his neighbors told reporters.


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