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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Supporter of Chiayi mayor applies to nullify election

2018/12/08 03:00

Chiayi Mayor Twu Shiing-jer, right, poses with supporter Chen Huo-chuan yesterday in Chiayi. Photo: Wang Shan-yen, Taipei Times

/ Staff writer, with CNA

A supporter of outgoing Chiayi Mayor Twu Shiing-jer (涂醒哲) has submitted a lawsuit application seeking to nullify the Nov. 24 mayoral election, which Twu lost by a narrow margin.

Twu of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was defeated by Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chiayi mayor-elect Huang Min-hui (黃敏惠) by 2,302 votes, with Huang garnering 58,558 ballots, or 41.18 percent.

Chen Huo-chuan (陳火川) — a Twu supporter and general manager of the city’s Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market — yesterday told a news conference that the voting process was flawed and therefore the result should be invalidated.

As the nine-in-one elections were held alongside 10 referendums, the entire voting process was delayed and people at 63 of the city’s 177 voting stations were still casting their ballots when vote counts started at 4pm, Chen said.

Chen said that he on Thursday filed a lawsuit application with the Chiayi District Prosecutors’ Office to nullify the result of the city’s mayoral election.

Twu said that he respected and thanked Chen for his support, but added that he would not appeal the result.

However, Chen filed the lawsuit in line with the Civil Servants Election and Recall Act (公職人員選舉罷免法), which Twu said met the expectations of many of his supporters.

Twu said that despite the flawed election process, he had congratulated Huang on her victory immediately after learning the result.

Asked if Chen’s move might harm the DPP, Twu asked reporters: “Is the [election’s] impact not big enough for the DPP?”

Twu also emphasized that the lawsuit was filed by a supporter, not him.


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