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    《TAIPEI TIMES》China protests Taiwan festival ‘guest of honor’

    Portraits of 300 smiling Taiwanese are displayed during the Festival Off Avignon being held in France from Wednesday to July 21. 
Photo: CNA

    Portraits of 300 smiling Taiwanese are displayed during the Festival Off Avignon being held in France from Wednesday to July 21.  Photo: CNA

    2024/07/05 03:00

    Staff writer, with CNA

    The organizers of the French Festival Off Avignon yesterday said they received protests and threats from China after it selected Taiwan as its guest of honor country for this year’s event.

    Harold David and Laurent Domingos, copresidents of the Avignon Festival & Compagnies (AF&C), said that the Chinese embassy in Paris threatened to withdraw from the event if Taiwan was not dropped as its guest of honor.

    “We can’t drive off a guest just because another guest could not get along with them,” David said, adding that the festival was open to inviting China to be a guest of honor country at a future festival.

    Domingos said that they had anticipated such a reaction.

    “We are not stupid, we understand geopolitics,” he said, adding that they have to bear the responsibility for their choice.

    While the festival’s board has not made a final decision, David and Domingos said they believed the event, which began on Wednesday, should maintain its independence, autonomy, variety and freedom, and keep Taiwan as the guest of honor.

    Domingos said that the festival is also planning events for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and the People’s Republic of China.

    The two developments do not conflict with each other, he said.

    Taiwan first participated in the Festival Off Avignon 17 years ago, and the country’s selection as a guest of honor was a tribute to its past contributions to the event, David said.

    The traits Taiwan shares with the festival include diversity, openness to the world, creativity and freedom of speech, he added.

    Domingos also lauded the creativity that Taiwan has brought to the festival.

    “Taiwan identifies itself with its culture. It is not recognized by the United Nations and many countries as a ‘country,’ so it defines itself with its cultural identity,” he said, adding that the festival itself was a field to exhibit cultural identity.

    Festival Off Avignon, which runs from Wednesday to July 21, is a globally renowned cultural event held annually alongside the official Avignon Festival in southern France.


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