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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》All airline pilots to undergo tests for alcohol: CAA

2017/06/05 03:00

ALL-ENCOMPASSING: The agency also required 30 percent of flight attendants and ground maintenance personnel to regularly undergo alcohol testing

/ Staff writer, with CNA

Starting on Saturday, all pilots on Taiwanese airlines are to be required to take an alcohol test before flying, the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) said.

The administration said it has notified carriers of the new regulation, which also requires 30 percent of flight attendants and ground maintenance personnel to be tested.

Commercial airlines normally test about 30 percent of their pilots for alcohol when they report for duty, but the CAA extended the requirement to all pilots.

In addition, it has asked airlines to submit a quarterly report of all alcohol tests they conduct on pilots, flight attendants and maintenance personnel.

Airport management also tests about 5 percent of flight crews reporting for duty, the agency said, adding that the percentage would not be changed due to personnel limitations.

The decision came after the pilots working at Far Eastern Air Transport and China Airlines failed alcohol tests during random checks at the airport, the agency said.

Although such cases are rare, it said it would not tolerate any violations and is implementing the new regulations to prevent pilots from flying under the influence of alcohol.

There have only three reported cases over the past 15 years of pilots failing an alcohol test in the nation.


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