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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》Capital Forward Alliance needs discussion: Ko

2015/12/13 03:00

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je salutes as he attends the opening of independent legisltaive candidate Lee Ching-yuan’s campaign headquarters in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

By Sean Lin and Abraham Gerber / Staff reporters

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) yesterday said that a more detailed discussion is needed to respond to doubts raised over the Capital Forward Alliance goals — a coalition of eight legislative candidates jointly backed by Ko and the DPP — hopes to achieve.

Ko made the remarks on the sidelines of the opening of independent legislative candidate Lee Ching-yuan’s (李慶元) campaign office.

Responding to criticism that the alliance resembles a unity of benefits rather than an ideal-driven group, Ko said that the alliance appears that way because there has not been any discussion on what it hopes to achieve.

Ko said he would attend forums with members of the alliance to see if their visions align.

Asked whether the alliance was aimed solely at bringing the KMT down in next month’s elections, Ko said: “It is not just that. That is why a discussion is needed.”

Meanwhile, Social Democratic Party (SDP) convener Fan Yun (范雲) yesterday said the Green Party-Social Democratic Party Alliance might seek vote-allocation with another “third force” party.

Fan said the party would launch a television commercial in the next few weeks to try and attract first-time voters and urge them to cast their votes for the Alliance and another “third force” party.

“An important cultural figure should come forward and call upon everyone to support ‘third parties’ through fundraising, including us and one other party. Everyone should see a television commercial calling for ‘vote allocation’ in one or two weeks,” she said, adding that the commercial is “important for mobilization efforts.”

Vote-allocation traditionally refers to voters casting ballots for different candidates from similar ideological backgrounds based on measures such as birth date or the borough in which they live.

Fan reaffirmed that the party intended to “allocate votes,” but declined to comment on details, saying that preparations were ongoing.


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