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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Protesters scuffle with guards outside Presidential Office

2015/07/15 03:00

SUFFERING: Taiwanese independence groups urged the public to join a rally against President Ma Ying-jeou’s administration on Saturday in Taipei

By Jason Pan / Staff reporter

A coalition of groups and parties advocating Taiwanese independence caused some national security concerns when they marched to the Presidential Office Building in Taipei yesterday and had brief scuffles with police and security officers during a protest against the government for what they called the deteriorating condition and suffering of Taiwanese.

Organized by the Taiwan Independence Party, the protesters first held a news conference at the Legislative Yuan.

Party Chairman Chen Chao-ming (陳兆銘) referred to the fiery explosion at a water park in New Taipei City on June 27 that injured nearly 500 people, saying that meant that 500 families were suffering in pain and grief.

“Yet, in this time of national mourning and sadness, the incompetent and callous [President] Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) ignores the people’s feelings and insists on going on an overseas trip,” Chen said.

The groups displayed banners and shouted slogans, including: “Bumbler Ma is out. Taiwan Nation Uprising,” and “Citizens join us to oust Ma; take back the power.”

Afterward, a number of protesters bearing black flags marched to the front of the Presidential Office Building and tried to make a stand at its front entrance, resulting in brief scuffles with police.

Police officers and military guards, acting within the mandate of the National Security Bureau and the protection of government officials working inside, threatened to arrest everyone participating in the protest.

Protesters then marched toward Taipei Railway Station.

Chen urged the public to join an anti-Ma government rally on Saturday in the capital.


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