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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Elderly woman dies in hot spring during hottest day of year

2015/06/20 03:00

A color chart shows Taiwan’s surface temperature at 1pm yesterday. Photo: Screen grab from the Central Weather Bureau

/ Staff writer, with CNA

Despite record-setting high temperatures, an elderly woman and her daughter yesterday decided to visit a hot spring in New Taipei City — with deadly consequences.

Emergency workers said that the 73-year-old woman was pronounced dead at a hospital in Xindian District (新店) after she was discovered unconscious in an open-air hot spring on the Nanshih Creek in the popular tourist destination of Wulai (烏來).

The woman’s 48-year-old daughter was rushed to another hospital in Xindian. Both women were found in the water, but neither was drowning, according to fire department personnel who attended the scene.

They probably got into trouble after becoming overheated, the fire department said.

Other people in the creek called emergency services after they realized the two, whose names were not released, had not moved for a long time, it said.

On the first day of the three-day Dragon Boat Festival weekend, temperatures across the nation soared above 35°C.

According to the Central Weather Bureau, temperatures in Taipei rose to 37.1°C at 12:54pm yesterday — the highest of the year in the capital.

Around noon the temperatures in New Taipei City’s Banciao District (板橋) was 36.1°C while in Chiayi the mercury hit 35.8°C.


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