《中英對照讀新聞》’Missing Post Office’ to open London branch to connect living with departed 「漂流郵局」開設倫敦支局與亡者聯繫
When the "Missing Post Office" on Awashima island here opens its first temporary branch in London, Britons can find solace in writing and sending dispatches to recipients who can no longer be reached.
As part of an exhibition by contemporary artist Saya Kubota, the London branch will invite visitors to post their own letters that they’ve wanted to write, but had no place to send.
Kubota, 28, presented the Missing Post Office at the Setouchi Triennale in fall 2013, an art festival held every three years on islands in the Seto Inland Sea.
Even after the festival, people from around Japan continued sending correspondence, which has put the total number of the letters received today past 11,400.
The messages include many poignant ones, such as those sent by parents to their deceased son, in which they pour forth their desperate desires to see him again. Some have also written letters to the office to express sentiments that are too difficult to say in person.
seek/find solace in something:慣用語,尋求安慰/慰藉。例句:After the death of her husband, she found solace in the church.(她在丈夫死後在教會找到慰藉。)
no longer:慣用語,不再。例句:He no longer works here.(他早就離職了。)
pour forth:慣用語,流出,傾洩。