《中英對照讀新聞》Muslim woman ejected from Trump rally after silent protest 穆斯林女性在川普造勢晚會靜默抗議後遭逐出場
A Muslim woman was kicked out of a Donald Trump presidential campaign rally after staging a silent protest against the Republican frontrunner, who has called for a ban on Muslims entering the US.
Television footage from the event in South Carolina shows the woman, named as Rose Hamid, a 56-year-old flight attendant, wearing a head scarf and loose fitting green shirt reading "Salam. I come in peace." She stood in silence looking at the podium as the rest of the crowd sat.
Later, she was escorted out as Trump supporters wave placards bearing his name in her face and chant for him.
Hamid said one supporter of the billionaire real-estate mogul bawled at her: "You have a bomb, you have a bomb."
"The ugliness really came out fast and that’s really scary," Hamid told CNN after Friday night’s rally.
Trump, who leads the polls for the Republican nomination for the White House, ignited a global firestorm last month when he called for the temporary ban on Muslims entering the US, following an attack in California by a radicalized Muslim couple that left 14 people dead.
eject:動詞,逐出、轟出、噴射、彈射。例句:The pilot ejected when his plane caught fire.(當飛機著火時,飛行員彈射而出。)
escort:動詞,護送、陪同;名詞指護送、護衛隊、儀隊、護送者。例句:Visitors are not allowed to enter the building without an escort.(沒有人員陪同,訪客不得進入大樓。)
bawl:動詞,大喊、大叫、叫賣,名詞指大叫聲。例句:“Get in the car!” Jack bawled.(傑克大喊:「上車!」)