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《中英對照讀新聞》Wash. state considers gender-neutral language bill 華盛頓州擬立法用中性詞

2013/04/13 06:00


In Washington state, dairymen, freshmen and even penmanship could soon be things of the past.


Over the past six years, state officials have engaged in the onerous task of changing the language used in the state’s copious laws, including thousands of words and phrases, many written more than a century ago when the idea of women working on police forces or on fishing boats wasn’t a consideration.


That process is slated to draw to a close this year. So while the state has already welcomed "firefighters," "clergy" and "police officers" into its lexicon, "ombuds" (in place of ombudsman) and "security guards" (previously "watchmen,") appear to be next, along with "dairy farmers," "first-year students" and "handwriting."

這個進程預定在今年結束。目前,該州法律中已經修改了「消防員」(firefighters)、「神職人員」(clergy)、「警察」(police officers)等詞,下一步將是修改「監察官」(用ombuds取代ombudsman)和「警衛」(用security guards取代watchmen)等詞,隨後則是「酪農場工人」(用dairy farmers取代dairymen),「大一新生」(用first-year students取代freshmen)與「書法」(handwriting取代penmanship)。

"Some people would say ’oh, it’s not a big thing, do you really have to go through the process of changing the language,’" said Seattle Councilmember Sally Clark who was one of the catalysts for the change. "But language matters. It’s how we signal a level of respect for each other."



onerous:形容詞,繁重的;麻煩的。例句:This is the most onerous task I have ever undertaken (這是我承擔過的最艱鉅的任務。 )

copious:形容詞,大量的;多產的。例句:She was a copious writer.(她是一位多產的作家。)

slate:動詞,預定;選定。例句:The delegation is slated to arrive next week. (代表團預定下週到達。)

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