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《中英對照讀新聞》US embassy in Damascus hits back on Facebook 美駐大馬士革使館透過臉書反擊

2011/10/23 06:00


The US embassy in Damascus has hit back at apparent glee in the Syrian state media over the Occupy Wall Street movement sweeping the United States, posting a Facebook lesson on democracy.


On its official Facebook page, the embassy took a thinly veiled jibe at the regime of Bashar al-Assad, saying that, while there is dissatisfaction in America over the economy, that did not translate into police shooting “thousands of protesters” or demonstrators being tortured.


“Some Occupy Wall Street organisers have been arrested for disturbing public order (blocking traffic) but they won’t be tortured, and no family will receive the body of a protester bearing torture marks,” read the embassy post that highlighted eight points differentiating how the US government reacts to protests as compared to Syria.


The message has sparked mixed comments, with some backing the embassy’s stand and others blasting America’s record on democracy.


The US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford has come in for heavy criticism in recent months by regime supporters in Damascus who have accused him of helping incite violence in the country.



veiled:形容詞,指隱藏的、模糊的,如The article made a thinly veiled attack on his abilities as a leader.(這篇文章裡對他的領導能力提出幾乎毫不隱藏的攻擊。)

translate into:指使轉化、轉變為…,尤指實現某項計畫,如The ways of working that he had learnt at college did not translate well(= were not suitable)to the world of business.(他在學校裡學到的工作方式在實際的商業世界裡行不大通。)

come in for sth:片語,指招來責備或批評,如The government’s policies are coming in for increasing criticism.(對政府政策的批評聲浪愈來愈高漲。)

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