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《中英對照讀新聞》Libya unrest casts doubts on British policy 利比亞動亂使英國政策備受質疑

2011/02/27 06:00


Britain has shared the embarrassment of western nations over the fall of Middle Eastern regimes they once backed, but the Lockerbie bombing makes its policy on Libya harder to justify, analysts said.


London’s recent condemnations of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi’s bloody crackdown on protesters rang hollow after nearly a decade of rapprochement with the oil-rich nation despite the 1988 attack on Pan Am Flight 103.


But experts said that even gestures like the release in 2009 of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi, the only person ever convicted over the bombing, had failed to win Britain any real leverage with Kadhafi.


"Having sold out quite so quickly, quite so easily, particularly with the Lockerbie fiasco, then no," said Molly Tarhuni, a Libya expert at Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs think-tank in London, when asked if Britain’s policy towards Libya had won it any influence.


Libya became a pariah in the aftermath of the bombing over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, but relations began to thaw when it agreed in 2003 to pay compensation to the families of the 270 people who were killed. Kadhafi’s rehabilitation was completed in 2004 when then-British prime minister Tony Blair visited him in Tripoli, shaking hands with the Libyan leader in his tent.



ring/sound hollow:片語,指聽起來不真實或不誠懇,如The claims they made two years ago that peace was just around the corner ring very hollow now.(他們兩年前聲稱和平在望的說法,現在聽起來分外不真實。)

rapprochement:名詞,指(兩國間)重新建立起友善關係、恢復邦交,如There are signs of (a) rapprochement between the warring factions.(交戰派系之間出現了和解跡象。)

sell out:動詞片語,原指門票或商品等全部賣光,但亦可引申為指為了名利或成功不惜出賣或背叛原則、道德理想,如He sold out to the other side.(他倒戈到敵方陣營。)

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