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    中英對照讀新聞/Labour scores own goal with new campaign poster 工黨推出競選新海報反被倒將一軍

    2010/04/11 06:00


    Labour’s recent attempt to ridicule David Cameron as an Eighties TV detective backfired spectacularly, after the Tories turned it into a vote-winner for their leader.


    The Conservatives were so delighted by Labour posters portraying Mr Cameron as Gene Hunt, from the BBC’s Ashes To Ashes, that they immediately hijacked the image for their own campaign.

    保守黨對工黨這張把卡麥隆描寫為BBC影集Ashes To Ashes主角金恩杭特的海報感到十分滿意,甚至立刻把影像挪用在自家的競選海報上。

    Labour’s poster accused Mr Cameron of wanting to return Britain to the Thatcher era. But just four hours after it was unveiled, the Tories had produced their own version, adapting Hunt’s catchphrase to say: "Fire up the Quattro. It’s time for change."


    The fiasco sparked a revolt among Labour supporters, who said it was ’madness’ to make Mr Cameron look ’rakishly attractive’ by depicting him perched on the bonnet of the Audi Quattro, wearing an open-necked shirt and snakeskin boots.


    Labour activists said the slogan -Don’t let him take Britain back to the 1980s’ - was rendered irrelevant by comparing Cameron to attractive DCI Hunt.



    own goal:名詞,原指在運動比賽中替對手隊得分、射進烏龍球,非正式用語則引申為無意間造成對己方不利、損失或受窘的錯誤,如Our team lost when we scored an own goal late in the second half.(本隊因為在下半場射進一記烏龍球而飲恨敗北。)

    backfire:動詞,指產生和預期情況完全相反的結果,事與願違,如His plans to make her jealous backfired on him when she went off with his best friend.(他原本想讓她吃醋卻造成反效果,她反跟他的好友跑了。)

    catchphrase:名詞,指名言、流行辭令,如Actor Michael Douglas dumped his "greed is good" catchphrase and pulled out of the stock market after losing almost half his fortune.(名演員麥可.道格拉斯在損失近半數財富後,決定放棄他的名言「貪婪是好事」,退出股市。)

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