中英對照讀新聞》Sauerkraut or sardines? Hiroshima’s pancake goes global for G7 summit 德國酸菜還是沙丁魚?廣島燒為G7峰會走國際路線

When Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida hosts leaders of the Group of Seven richest nations in Hiroshima this week, restaurants in the city hope to put a local speciality on the map, with a choice of fillings to cater for foreign tastes.
Kishida’s parliamentary constituency covers part of Hiroshima, a city that is home to over one million people, and also around 800 restaurants specialising in okonomiyaki, a savoury pancake whose name means "cooked as you like".
The ingredients of the signature dish typically include noodles, cabbage, batter, and meat fried on a hot metal plate, but for the G7 the Oconomiyaki Academy, a local restaurant trade group, has dreamed up variations incorporating favourite foods from each nation. (Reuters)
put something/someone on the map:慣用語,使出名。例句:The battle has put the small town on the map.(這場戰役讓這座小鎮出名。)
cater for something/someone:片語,迎合;滿足;顧及。例句:The park caters for children under 12 rather than teenagers(該公園以12歲以下孩童而非青少年為主。)