中英對照讀新聞》Germany: Inmates fined over prison potato mash fight 德國:囚徒因監獄薯泥戰被罰款
德國南部奧古斯堡1座監獄女囚驚爆薯泥大戰。圖為美國阿拉巴馬州威廉.C.霍爾曼(William C. Holman)懲教所,僅供示意,與本報導無直接關聯。(美聯社)
Two female inmates at a German prison have been served a hefty fine for a brawl that began with a food fight.
German news agency dpa reported Wednesday that the cellmates at a prison in Augsburg began throwing potato mash at each other following a disagreement. Then one woman threw her entire plate at the other, who responded in kind.
The situation then escalated into a brawl in which both inmates were injured, dpa reported.
A court in the southern town of Augsburg sentenced one defendant to pay a fine of 2,700 euros while the other received a fine of 1,800 euros. If they fail to pay, the women can spend another 180 or 120 days behind bars, respectively. (AP)
mash:動詞,指將食物搗成泥狀、搗碎、嚴重毀損;名詞,指薯泥。例句:The motorcycle has been badly mashed up in the accident.(那輛摩托車因事故面目全非。)
brawl:名詞,指鬧事、鬥毆;動詞,指大打出手。例句:He was arrested for a drunken brawl in which he was accused of punching two police officers.(他酒後鬧事被控揍了2名警官而被捕。)
respond in kind:片語,指以相同方式回敬、以牙還牙。例句:He threatened to respond in kind.(他揚言以其人之道還其人之身。)