中英對照讀新聞》Idled Thai taxis go green with mini-gardens on car roofs 車頂變迷你菜園 泰國閒置計程車好環保
Taxi fleets in Thailand are giving new meaning to the term "rooftop garden," as they utilize the roofs of cabs idled by the coronavirus crisis to serve as small vegetable plots.
Workers from two taxi cooperatives assembled the miniature gardens using black plastic garbage bags stretched across bamboo frames. On top, they added soil in which a variety of crops, including tomatoes, cucumbers and string beans, were planted.
The result looks more like an eye-grabbing art installation than a car park, and that’s partly the point: to draw attention to the plight of taxi drivers and operators who have been badly hit by coronavirus lockdown measures.
The Ratchapruk and Bovorn Taxi cooperatives now have just 500 cars left plying Bangkok’s streets, with 2,500 sitting idle at a number of city sites.(AP)
idle:動詞,閒混;使空轉。例句:The car engine was left idling.(汽車引擎在空轉。)
plot:名詞,小塊土地。例句:She enjoys growing vegetables on a little plot of land.(她很享受在一小塊土地上種蔬菜。)
ply:動詞,兜售;定期行駛。例句:There are few taxis plying for hire in the region. (幾乎沒有計程車在這區載客。)
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