中英對照讀新聞》Pregnant woman pulls husband to safety after shark attack 孕婦將遭鯊魚攻擊的丈夫拉到安全處

Andrew Eddy, 30, was on a snorkeling trip with his pregnant wife, Margot Dukes-Eddy and her family at Sombrero Reef in the Florida Keys. But as Eddy had just slid into the water, a large shark latched onto his shoulder.
"Dukes saw the shark’s dorsal fin and then blood filling the water. Dukes, without hesitation, dove into the water and pulled Eddy to the safety of the boat," the police wrote in his report.
Dukes managed to avoid injury during the rescue, but the police described Eddy’s shark bite wound as severe.
Several other snorkelers from other boats were already in the water when the attack happened, the police wrote. Other boaters said they had seen a bull shark in the area that morning, which they estimated to be as much as 2.7 meters long.(AP)
snorkeling:名詞,浮潛。例句:To celebrate my birthday, we decided to go snorkeling.(為了慶祝我生日,我們決定去浮潛。)
latch onto:動詞片語,咬住。例句:He latched onto my arm and refused to let go.(他抓住我的手臂,拒絕放開我。)
dorsal:形容詞,背部的。例句:At the sight of the shark’s dorsal fin, everyone was in dismay.(一看到鯊魚背鰭,眾人一陣驚慌。)