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    《中英對照讀新聞》Samsung, SK have fingers crossed over US gov’t Huawei approval 三星、SK祈求美政府批准供貨華為

    圖為南韓半導體大廠「SK海力士」(SK hynix)位於京畿道城南市的總部。(路透檔案照)

    圖為南韓半導體大廠「SK海力士」(SK hynix)位於京畿道城南市的總部。(路透檔案照)

    2020/09/27 05:30


    U.S. tech giants Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) received the green light from the U.S. government to supply Huawei with certain products, raising hopes for Samsung Electronics and SK hynix to be given the same opportunity.


    Samsung Electronics and SK hynix have submitted their requests and are waiting for the U.S. government’s approval. If the U.S. government rejects their requests, it will lead to severe losses for the two Korean tech giants.


    "The story for Samsung and SK could be different from Intel and AMD as they are U.S. companies and develop processors and CPUs for PCs, which are seen as less of a security risk," an industry official familiar with the matter said. "However, Samsung and SK supply Huawei with mobile components, a sector which the U.S. sees as a major security risk from the Chinese firm."



    cross one’s fingers:片語,祈求(禱)、禱告某事發生(成功)。例句:We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays nice.(我們繼續祈禱天氣保持良好。)

    green light:片語,交通號誌中的綠燈、准許、許可、放行。例句:If we can’t do this movie for $1 million dollars, the studio is not going to give the green light to it.(若我們無法將這部電影的成本控制在100萬美元,電影公司不會同意開拍。)

    a different story:片語,情況就不一樣了、另一番景象(境遇)。例句:His life will be a different story if he failed to graduate in the university.(若他當時大學沒畢業,他的生活將是另一番境遇。)

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