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    中英對照讀新聞》A teen who spent 10 hours cleaning up after a protest is rewarded with a car 1名在示威後花10小時打掃的青少年 被獎勵了1台車

    安東尼奧.葛溫在「黑人的命也是命」示威結束後,自動自發地清潔街道。(取自Kimberly LaRussa臉書專頁)

    安東尼奧.葛溫在「黑人的命也是命」示威結束後,自動自發地清潔街道。(取自Kimberly LaRussa臉書專頁)

    2020/06/16 05:30


    When Antonio Gwynn Jr. saw the damage from protests in his hometown of Buffalo, New York, he grabbed a broom, bought some trash bags and started cleaning the streets by himself.


    He started at 2 a.m. on Monday and did not stop cleaning for the next 10 hours. When an organized group of neighbors arrived later that morning to start clearing the damage, they found that Gwynn had already done most of the work.


    Gwynn is an 18-year-old high school senior. Matt Block saw Gwynn’s story on the news and decided to give him his prized 2004 red Mustang convertible. Block said the car is one he wanted since he was a child, but these days he is only using it occasionally. He saw Gwynn ask for some car buying advice on Facebook, and Block decided to offer up his sports car.


    Local businessman Bob Briceland learned of Block’s gift, and he decided to extend a year of free auto insurance coverage through his insurance agency.



    grab:動詞,抓起、拿起。例句:Lisa grabbed my arm tightly when she saw a cockroach on the wall.(莉莎緊緊抓住我的手臂,當她看到牆上有隻蟑螂的時候。)

    reward:動詞,酬謝、獎勵。例句:If you can help me, I will reward you with a lot of money.(如果你能幫助我,我會用許多錢酬謝你。)

    prized:形容詞,非常珍貴的。例句:For my mom, the engagement ring is pretty prized.(對我媽而言,這枚訂婚戒指非常珍貴。)

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