《中英對照讀新聞》Trump attacked Baltimore. The city’s newspaper wrote a scathing response.-川普攻擊巴爾的摩 該市報紙筆伐反擊
美國總統川普日前痛批非裔的民主黨聯邦眾議員康明茲的選區充斥鼠輩且沒人要住,引發軒然大波。圖為康明茲今年6月主持眾院監督與改革委員會會議。 (美聯社檔案照)
The paper of the city that President Trump attacked didn’t mince words.
"Better to have a few rats than to be one," the Baltimore Sun’s editorial declared in its headline.
On Saturday evening, the editorial board of a paper that has been a city fixture since 1837 joined the wave of Maryland residents and leaders condemning President Trump’s tweets calling Rep. Elijah E. Cummings’s district a "rat and rodent infested mess" where "no human" would want to live.
The Sun’s scathing piece, which drew responses across the country and even as far as Senegal, highlights Baltimore’s strengths and accuses Trump of deploying "the most emotional and bigoted of arguments" against a Democratic African American congressman from a majority-black district.
blast:動詞,發出巨大噪音;嚴厲抨擊。例句:The prime minister blasted his political opponents in the media almost on a daily basis.(總理幾乎天天在媒體上重砲抨擊他的政敵。)
not mince (one’s) words:慣用語,直截了當地說,直言不諱;mince (one’s) words:慣用語,講話含糊不直接。例句:He’s never been the kind of politician to mince words.(他從來不是那種講話拐彎抹角的政治人物。)