《中英對照讀新聞》Stuck in second gear:Chinese fans ponder life without ’Friends’-卡關:中國粉絲深思沒有「六人行」的生活
中國上海市一家名為「Central Perk」的《六人行》主題咖啡店。(法新社檔案照)
No one told them it was gonna be this way.
Millions of Chinese "Friends" fans are heartbroken after top portal Sohu, citing only "copyright issues" in April, abruptly pulled the US sitcom, beloved by millennials in China for its endearing characters and as an English conversation resource.
The move has touched off anguish on Chinese social media sites such as Weibo, where a "Friends offline" hashtag has generated millions of posts. Many have called for Sohu to re-up on its "Friends" rights, with others indicating where to download pirated episodes.
Millions of Chinese youngsters identify with the theme song’s lament - "your job’s a joke, you’re broke, your love life’s DOA." And they grab the chance to burnish their American-style English. "There are so much conversational English in it; things that you can’t learn from books."
Some English training courses in China even assign the show as teaching material.
endearing:形容詞,討人喜愛的。例句:Joey was attracted to Rachel’s endearing smile.(喬伊著迷於瑞秋迷人的微笑。)
touch off:慣用片語,引起;觸發。例句:What Phoebe said touched off a debate between Ross and Chandler.(菲比說的話,讓羅斯和錢德勒吵起來。)
burnish:動詞,擦亮;磨光。例句:Monica tried her best to burnish everything in her kitchen.(莫妮卡使盡全力,將廚房裡的一切擦拭得亮晶晶。)