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《中英對照讀新聞》Sweden’s giant Gavle goat survives Christmas 瑞典耶夫勒巨羊撐過耶誕節



2018/01/03 06:00


There is extra Christmas cheer in the Swedish town of Gavle this year because its annual giant straw goat has survived for more than three weeks. Last year’s goat fell victim to an arsonist on 27 November, less than 24 hours after it had been erected.


Standing 13 metres tall, it is the world’s biggest straw goat. Most of its incarnations have been burnt or vandalised since 1966, when the tradition began. News site The Local has compiled a list of the "weirdest attacks" on the yule goat, including an attempted kidnapping via helicopter and the time a person dressed as a gingerbread man shot it with flaming arrows.


By tradition, the goat effigy goes up in Gavle, 158km north of Stockholm, on the first Sunday of Christian Advent. This year it has been standing since 3 December, and the town hopes the 3.6-tonne effigy will survive until 2 January.


Gavle’s official tourism website says the famous effigy was invented by Stig Gavlen, a man who proposed a giant version of the straw goat ornaments that Swedes put on show at Christmas. The intention was to boost business at shops and restaurants in the area.



fall victim to:被降伏、成為…的受害者。例句:He fell victim to peer pressure.(他成為同儕壓力的受害者。)

vandalise:任意破壞。例句:The buses were vandalised.(巴士被搗毀。)

go up:被建造。例句:New houses are going up all over the countryside.(鄉下到處在蓋新房子。)

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