《中英對照讀新聞》Korea to accept 56,000 migrant workers (E-9 visa) next year 南韓明年將引進5.6萬名持E-9簽證的移工

The government said Friday that it will grant E-9 visas to 56,000 migrant workers. The visa is provided to foreigners working non-professional jobs. The number stood at 62,000 in 2013 but declined to 53,000 in 2014, before being raised to 55,000 in 2015 and 56,000 in 2016.
Out of the total, 42,300 workers will be permitted to work in the manufacturing sector, followed 6,600 in the agro-livestock industry, 2,600 in fishing, 2,400 in construction and 1,100 in services.
"We tried to seek a balance between addressing the workforce shortage for small- and medium-sized enterprises and avoiding foreign workers from taking away too many domestic jobs," Office for Government Policy and Coordination Minister Hong Nam-ki said. The government also said it will enhance crackdowns on illegal migrant workers.
grant:動詞,同意、給予。The government granted many refugees asylum.(政府給予許多難民庇護。)
take away:動詞片語,拿(帶)走。Take away fuel, take away flame.(抽薪止沸。)
address:動詞,對……致詞(發表演說)、致函、應付、處理、化解。The government has been trying hard to address those sensitive issues.(政府持續致力解決那些敏感問題。)