《中英對照讀新聞》Does Pentagon still have a UFO program? The answer is a bit mysterious 五角大廈還有幽浮計畫嗎?答案有點神秘
The Pentagon acknowledged on Saturday that its long-secret UFO investigation program ended in 2012, when U.S. defense officials shifted attention and funding to other priorities.
But as to whether the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program has continued to investigate UFO sightings since its funding ended five years ago could rank as an unexplained phenomenon.
The New York Times reported on Saturday that the hush-hush program, tasked with investigating sightings of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, ran from 2007 to 2012 with $22 million in annual funding secretly tucked away in U.S. Defense Department budgets worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
Its initial funding came largely at the request of former Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat long known for his enthusiasm for space phenomena, the newspaper said.
The Pentagon openly acknowledged the fate of the program in response to a Reuters query.
But the Pentagon was less clear about whether the UFO program continues to hover somewhere in the vast universe of the U.S. defense establishment.
hush-hush:名詞,指極機密;形容詞,指非常秘密的;動詞,指守密、掩蓋。例句:They were desperate to keep the murder hush-hush.(他們死命掩蓋這件謀殺案。)
tuck away:片語動詞,收藏、藏起、大吃。例句:Her photographic memory enables her to tuck away yards of facts.(過目不忘的記憶力讓她能記住一堆事。)
hover:動詞,指徘徊、猶豫;名詞,指盤旋。例句:Don’t hover over me.(少在那邊管我。)