中英對照讀新聞》"Alien ice" is seen forming on Earth for first time! 破天荒!「外星冰」在地球上形成

For the first time, strange alien ice has been seen forming on Earth by US researchers. This revelation was made by the researchers at Stanford University on July 8, 2017.
The researchers dubbed the alien ice as ice seven, which forms naturally in the environment when planetary ice bodies collide.
"These experiments with water are the first of their kind, allowing us to witness a fundamental disorder-to-order transition in one of the most abundant molecules in the universe," said study lead author Arianna Gleason, a visiting scientist in the Extreme Environments Laboratory of Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences.
Most powerful X-ray lasers were used by the researchers to create ice VII with the help of Linac Coherent Light Source. Another instrument called X-ray Free Electron Laser is used to beam the compressed water.
This transformation took place in just six billionths of a second, or nanoseconds during the procedure.
nanosecond:名詞,奈秒。例句:One nanosecond is equal to one-thousandth of one-millionth of one second.(1奈秒等於10億分之1秒。)
transition:名詞,轉變、過渡。例句:The term phase transition is most commonly used to describe transitions between solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter.(「相變」一詞大多用於形容物體在固態、液態、氣態之間的轉變。)
collide:動詞,碰撞。例句:These clusters collide and merge with one another.(這些星系團彼此碰撞、合併。)