《中英對照讀新聞》Science proves that alcohol increases your ability to speak a second language 科學證實,酒精增進你的第二外語口說能力
研究發現,喝一點酒或許可以提升外語口說能力。圖為菲律賓馬尼拉達義市(Taguig City)的酒吧。(路透檔案照)
A new study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology has found that a bit of Dutch courage might be the key to boosting your ability to speak a second language.
Researchers tested 50 native German speakers who had just learned Dutch. Some were given a low dose of alcohol, and others a control beverage with no alcohol, and then were asked to have a conversation in Dutch.
The study showed that those who were slightly intoxicated had better pronunciation than their sober counterparts. Alcohol may impair your memory, making it harder to pay attention and recall facts, but on the other hand, it also boosts your self-confidence.
However, participants in this study consumed a low dose of alcohol, and that higher levels of alcohol consumption might not have beneficial effects on the pronunciation of a foreign language. The participants knew what they were drinking, so it’s not clear if their speech improved because of alcohol’s psychological or biological effects.
Dutch courage:名詞,酒膽,酒後之勇。例句:He needed some Dutch courage before facing his boss.(在面對老闆前,他需要一點酒後之勇。)
intoxicated:形容詞,喝醉的。例句:She was charged with driving while intoxicated.(她被控酒醉駕車。)
impair:動詞,損害,削弱。例句:His hearing was impaired after the explosion. (他的聽力在爆炸後受損。)
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