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《中英對照讀新聞 》Police officers escort daughters of fallen comrade to homecoming dance 警員護送已故同袍之女參加返校舞會

2016/11/18 06:00


The daughters of a fallen Danville police officer got a special escort to their homecoming dance over the weekend, as other officers made sure to step in to take his place.


Their world changed in January when their dad, Officer Thomas Cottrell, died in the line of duty. Known as a devoted father, Cottrell was shot and killed behind the Danville police station.


Courtney, Brooklyn and Alycia Cottrell were dressed to the nines for the Licking Valley homecoming dance. All three have dates and special escorts, as their dad’s brothers in blue stepped up on what is sure to be a memorable evening for the girls.


Danville Officers Mark Perkins and Josh Abshire stood in for their fallen comrade. "We want you to forever know we are here with you always," said Perkins. "It’s an absolute honor for us to get to take your girls to the dance."



step into one’s shoes/place:慣用語,取代(某人);接替(某人的工作)。例句:I will step into your shoes when you quit.(當你離職,我將接替你的工作。)

in the line of duty:慣用語,公務中;在執行任務時。

dressed (up) to the nines:慣用語,非正式用法,盛裝打扮。例句:She was dressed to the nines for her prom.(她為畢業舞會盛裝打扮。)

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