布林肯發表對中政策 專家看法兩極
美國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)於昨(26)日發表美國政府對中政策,許多專家學者對此看法不一。(彭博)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)於昨(26)日發表美國政府對中政策,除了表示會增加對中國威脅的防範外,同時也直言台海局勢的和平與穩定是國際上共同期望的目標。演說結束後,許多專家學者對此看法兩極,紛紛在推特上發表自己的意見。
同意布林肯論點的美國安全中心印太安全計畫研究員史托克斯(Jacob Stokes)表示,布林肯強調中美關係將更注重在國防安全上,這是個很好的策略。
Blinken's China speech did an excellent job of situating US-China relations within the larger framework of American grand strategy, including both domestic and foreign policy. Worth the wait.
— Jacob Stokes (@jacobstokes) May 26, 2022
美國智庫「德國馬歇爾基金會」(German Marshall Fund)中國事務分析師巴洛斯(Bryce C. Barros)也對此表示肯定,認為維持兩岸關係的穩定是當前首要任務。
#Blinken does a good job of laying out how maintaining peace and stability in the ???????? Strait is an issue of broader global security and stability.
— Bryce C. Barros 白若詩 (@barros_bryce) May 26, 2022
但也有發現該政策不足處的人出面喊話,Politico全球貿易、經濟、科技記者史蒂夫·歐維利(Steven Overly)表示,目前最需關切的是美國將在什麼時候要反制中國的經濟政策,但布林肯並沒有做出太多解釋。
Yes, the big outstanding questions have been WHEN and HOW the Biden will counteract China's economic behaviors. It's an issue past admins have identified but failed to address. Blinken really did not shed much light on either of those questions in this address. https://t.co/A2eRFWMfN1
— Steven Overly (@StevenOverly) May 26, 2022
美國哈佛大學商學院教授澤利克(Andy S. Zelleke)則指出,雖說演講有提到很多內容,但並沒有傳達到這個問題的急迫性,大家聽完後會認為只要雙方不要相差太多,美國與中國的關係將會繼續保持下去。
Blinken speech VG in many ways substantively but for me fell short in conveying sense of urgency--you could listen to this speech and infer that trajectory of #China competition is fine so long as we more or less keep on keepin' on... https://t.co/QTVUEC5mZB
— Andy Zelleke (@andy_zelleke) May 26, 2022