「蝙蝠俠」、「復仇者聯盟」漫畫創作者辭世 享壽80歲
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕曾參與創作「蝙蝠俠」、「超人」、「復仇者」等許多經典人氣角色的美國漫畫家亞當斯(Neal Adams),近日驚傳已於4月28日與世長辭,享壽80歲,令不少粉絲相當不捨。
綜合外媒報導,曾是美漫兩大巨頭DC與漫威(Marvel)自由工作者的亞當斯,成功塑造「蝙蝠俠」、「超人」、「X戰警」、「復仇者聯盟」等經典角色形象與性格。近日他的兒子喬許(Josh Adams)在臉書上哀痛證實,父親已於4月28日凌晨,因敗血症併發症在紐約辭世。
The modern comic landscape would not be what it is today without the incomparable work of Neal Adams. Neal portrayed heroes as both super and human in equal measure. His work on Batman, Green Lantern, and many more was revolutionary. DC joins the world in mourning his loss. pic.twitter.com/8lZUJGLB0T
— DC (@DCComics) April 29, 2022
Marvel is saddened to learn artist Neal Adams has passed away. Neal's photorealistic style helped shape the Marvel Universe and beyond, inspiring generations of comic artists as he championed their mentorship & growth. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones at this time. pic.twitter.com/Drg9Rxz9SP
— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) April 29, 2022