烏親俄人士車上遭近距離射殺 曾參選俄羅斯占領區警察局長
可以看到車窗上有許多彈孔。(圖擷取自@visegrad24 推特)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕俄羅斯出兵侵略烏克蘭,儘管烏克蘭全民上下一心,奮勇抵抗俄軍的侵略,但還是有少數的烏國民眾選擇站在侵略方的一邊,其中有一位親俄人士庫里雪夫(Valery Kuleshov)在車上遭槍殺身亡。
A new type of ad started appearing all around #Kherson.
— Canadian Ukrainian Volunteer ????????????????✊???? (@CanadianUkrain1) April 20, 2022
"Russian occupiers and everyone who supports them. We are close, already operating in Kherson. Death awaits you all! Kherson is #Ukraine!"
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The traitor and famous pro-Russian pundit Valery Kuleshov was killed this morning.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 20, 2022
He was a candidate to become the new head of the occupation police in Kherson.
A number of unknown assailants shot him dead just after he left his apartment.
Collaboration can be costly. pic.twitter.com/UVzcCMCOXh