恐遭俄軍48小時猛攻 基輔市長:實施宵禁35小時
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭遭遇激烈抵抗,但俄軍部隊仍持續向烏克蘭首都基輔推進。基輔市長克里契科(Vitali Klitschko)今(15)日宣布,基輔於當地時間晚上8時開始實施宵禁35小時,直到17日早上7時,當地居民只有前往避難所才能外出。
對此,烏克蘭基輔獨立報(The Kyiv Independent)軍事記者伊利亞(Illia Ponomarenko)分析,基輔開始實施宵禁,幾乎可以肯定地說,俄軍將在未來48小時展開強烈攻勢。
We in Kyiv now have another 2-day-long curfew starting from 8 p.m. tonight.
— Illia Ponomarenko ???????? (@IAPonomarenko) March 15, 2022
This almost certainly suggest Russia’s is going to have intense subversive activity in the city in the next 48 hours.
#BREAKING Kyiv to impose 36-hour curfew from late Tuesday: mayor pic.twitter.com/4LgzZzJycP
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) March 15, 2022