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川普在後續的推文中質問共和黨籍喬治亞州長坎普(Brian Kemp)為何不動用緊急權力推翻州務卿,對選票信封上的簽名進行審核,川普稱這是選舉舞弊的「金礦」,而他們將輕鬆贏下該州。
I’m not fighting for me, I’m fighting for the 74,000,000 million people (not including the many Trump ballots that were “tossed”), a record for a sitting President, who voted for me!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2020
Why won’t Governor @BrianKempGA, the hapless Governor of Georgia, use his emergency powers, which can be easily done, to overrule his obstinate Secretary of State, and do a match of signatures on envelopes. It will be a “goldmine” of fraud, and we will easily WIN the state....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2020