化解對立! 洛城國民兵集體單膝跪地致意
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕佛洛伊德案(George Floyd)餘波未平,各州紛紛動員國民兵協助當地警方執法,而過去有警察以單膝跪地方式表達與和平示威者站在同一陣線,這項風潮也吹向洛杉磯、紐約等各大城。週二在洛杉磯好萊塢一帶舉行的和平抗議中,負責看守路口的國民兵也以單膝跪地方式致意。
有美國網友在推特貼出影片,女演員帕爾默(Keke Palmer)今日在好萊塢一帶參加和平遊行,而她請求在場的國民兵一同加入他們的遊行,週圍的群眾也紛紛高喊「跟我們走」,但國民兵表明他們不能離開看守地點。
keke palmer is getting the NATIONAL GUARD to TAKE A KNEE. WBK SHE IS THE VP #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/xd7NIaGuCW
— marcella ???? (@fatallovecth) June 2, 2020
Law enforcement was not entirely peaceful. But protestors were. I got to view incredibly powerful black men and women speak with law enforcement, including this moment from my balcony where the National Guard took a knee with them. The People are Peaceful. pic.twitter.com/lxWrDfaDAo
— Emma Toureau (@EmmaToureau) June 2, 2020