同志橄欖球員申請庇護遭拒 回肯亞恐面臨最高14年監禁
英國業餘橄欖球隊Bristol Bisons RFC正為馬查里亞四處奔走,並在推特發表心聲。(圖片擷取自推特)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕肯亞籍橄欖球員馬查里亞(Kenneth Macharia)已公開同性戀身分,但請求庇護被英國拒絕,未來將遣返肯亞,且可能因其同志身分,面臨最高14年有期徒刑和迫害。
綜合外媒報導,英國業餘橄欖球隊Bristol Bisons RFC的球員馬查里亞來自肯亞,雖然2009年在英國便持有工作簽證,但英國拒絕了他的庇護申請。
With heavy hearts we are sharing the news that one of our members has been detained pending deportation from the UK.
— Bristol Bisons RFC (@bisonsrfc) 2018年11月18日
Kenneth Macharia has had his request for asylum rejected and now risks being deported to Kenya, fearful of persecution and violence in Kenya because he is gay. pic.twitter.com/qySfq3XUAy